Meridian Stress Bio-Scan

Bio-energetic analysis is a personalized and holistic approach to your health and wellness. Our service  uses the latest in Bio-Energetic testing technology to assess the unique energetic signatures of your body. With this information, we can customize a protocol to address toxic disturbances and imbalances, pin-point nutritional needs to provide you with the proper natural support to assist you in achieving optimal health and healing.

Through electromagnetic wave analysis Bio-scans can identify hidden causes of stress in the body.

$350 (Initial)  Includes Consultation

MSA Qest 4 Screening

Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German medical doctor and engineer began researching and proving an innovative testing method now known as EAV (Electroacupuncture according to Voll) in the late 1940’s.

Medicine has recognized that we are electro-magnetic beings and has a tradition of using diagnostic machines, such as MRIs, which work with magnetic energy. Ultrasound machines use high frequency sound energy. EKGS and EEGs are electronic representations of what is in the heart and the brain. The Qest4  Testing System is one of the most powerful electro-dermal testing systems available today. Through the use of electrodes or by DNA samples, measure bio-resonance  signatures (imbalances ) of the body and determine the presence of environmental toxicities, food sensitivities, vertebrae misalignments, dental concerns and bacteria, viruses and pathogens long before conventional tests may find them. If it picks up frequency imbalances, a person can proactively make lifestyle changes to boost their immune system and give their body the proper fuel to overcome these imbalances, often before symptoms are physically present. In addition to the Comprehensive Analysis which shows energy dis-resonances that relate to the root cause of health concerns.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

provides advanced nutritional testing for minerals & stored heavy metal status.

HTMA screening tool that provides key indicators behind a wide range of conditions affected by mineral imbalance, including: fatigue & adrenal problems, thyroid issues, weight gain, blood sugar problems, depression, anxiety, personality changes, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, reactivity to stress, addictions, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, risk of heart attack, hypoglycaemia, liver and kidney problems, digestive issues, inflammation, PMS, skin problems, and more.  

RBTI Analysis

RBTI is an in-office only analysis, the abbreviated term for Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. It is mathematical analysis of what is taking place within the electro-biochemical structure of the human body. It reveals the intricate cause and effect of the physiological dysfunctional patterns demonstrated through the urine and saliva analysis. RBTI is a non-invasive seven part test completed on fresh samples of urine and saliva.

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